Cotap optimises fleet and storage efficiency with Toyota Material Handling

To accommodate their continued growth, Cotap moved from the city of carpets, Genemuiden, to Zwolle. The new warehouse offers five times more space and paves the way for further improvement of the company’s logistics operations. All material handling equipment was supplied by Toyota Material Handling Netherlands. "We chose Toyota not only because of the price and quality. The rock-solid service was also a decisive factor for us," warehouse manager Ron de Haan testifies.

About Cotap

Cotap is a full-service wholesaler in flooring that supplies home & decor specialty shops and large floor and hardware store chains. More than 80 years of experience and a fast-growing trade have allowed the family-owned business to underpin their growth ambitions with a solid foundation to become the most sought-after and best-valued flooring supplier. 

Facts & Figures 

From carpet city to Zwolle 

"We have grown considerably in recent years. Turnover rose sharply and the number of employees increased from about 40 to over 220," says warehouse manager Ron de Haan. Consequently, the warehouse in Genemuiden became too cramped, which also jeopardised safe working conditions. "We were forced to rent external storage locations. From a logistics standpoint, this is a situation far from ideal," De Haan knows. 

In September 2022, Cotap therefore moved into a new location in Zwolle. The new location is five times larger than the warehouse in Genemuiden. "We also have a lot more dock doors now," says Arjan van der Kamp, logistics coordinator for Zwolle at Cotap. "In Genemuiden we had only 6 doors to cover both inbound and outbound. Now we have 18 so we can organise our logistics processes much more efficiently and we’re able to implement further service improvements." 

Rock-solid service from Toyota Material Handling 

Process improvements were made in the inbound and outbound areas, meaning Cotap had to look for a new fleet. The flooring wholesaler approached several parties and chose Toyota Material Handling Netherlands to supply 3 electric pallet trucks, 2 stackers, 4 reach trucks and 2 VNA trucks. 

"Previously, I’d already had good experience with Toyota, and they were always able to offer us the most suitable solution," explains De Haan. "Their value for money is really good and their service rock-solid. For Toyota, a deal is really a deal. Moreover, the contact is pleasant and professional, and they proactively think with us to come up with the best solution." 

“Good service is crucial for Cotap,” as De Haan continues: "We don't keep any parts in stock and we don't have any extra trucks. This is one of the reasons why downtime must be kept to an absolute minimum. Toyota Material Handling has enough skilled service technicians in the region and offers us the guarantee that, should there be a problem, they will solve it within 24 hours." To ensure reliable uptime, Cotap signed a full-service maintenance contract. 

Driver safety & competence guaranteed 

Toyota Material Handling offered Cotap's drivers a two-day training course on how to operate the VNA trucks – a specific requirement for safety reasons. "An excellent surplus; safety is paramount," agrees Van der Kamp. "This type of truck is new to us. The training makes employees aware of risks and guarantees safe and competent use by the drivers." Ten drivers have successfully completed the training. The logistics coordinator is very pleased with the new trucks: "You can easily tell that there’s quality in everything Toyota does or delivers. The trucks require hardly any maintenance, even the VNA trucks supplied by Toyota Material Handling Netherlands.” 

“It is a pleasure for our logistics staff to work with this equipment,” he adds. “Take the VNA truck for example. It really meets all expectations. The truck manoeuvres smoothly, even in the tightest aisles, allowing us to store our pallets in the most efficient way. In addition, the trucks are very stable. Even at great heights, the mast hardly sways. Especially when lifting heavier pallets, this is very reassuring for our drivers." 

Confidence in professionalism 

On average, about 15 inbound loads are offloaded each day, palletised if necessary. Those items are available for sale the next day at the latest and are then picked, packed and shipped. 

For efficient and fast delivery, Cotap uses its own transport. With 22 vans, customers in the Netherlands and Belgium are supplied. From Zwolle, specialist dealers are provided with flooring. In addition, Cotap supplies floors, wall supplies and insulation from Hasselt. The company is also outgrowing its premises there. That is why this stock will soon be housed in Zwolle as well, where a second warehouse is currently being built, right next to the existing building. The supplier hopes to have this new building operational in 2025. With the new premises, the available warehouse space in Zwolle doubles to approximately 50,000 m2. "This in turn offers additional synergy benefits, allowing us to optimise our logistics operations even further," says Van der Kamp. 



The first Toyota trucks for the new warehouse still under construction have already been ordered. Once again, this confirms the confidence that both Van der Kamp and De Haan have in Toyota Material Handling. "We expect a good and long-term cooperation. In any case, the foundation has been laid," De Haan concludes. 


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