Terms of Use

  1. Introduction

    These MyToyota Customer Portal Terms of Use (referred to as "Terms") govern the access to and use of the customer portal, provided by Toyota Material Handling Europe (referred to as "TMHE") which offers customers access to fleet, service contracts, cost data and related services.

    By registering and starting to use the Service, the User acknowledge that it has read and understood, the meaning of the rights and obligations covered by these Terms.

    The Terms may be revised by TMHE from time to time and applies accordingly as the new version has been published on MyToyota.

  2. Definitions

    “User Accounts”: Individual accounts created within the customer portal for accessing services and data.

    “Customer Key User”: Designated person managing access to the Business Account, inviting and managing user accounts for colleagues.

    “Customer Users”: Individual accounts created within the customer portal for accessing services and data.

    “TMHE Key Users”: TMHE representatives with a business relationship, accessing customer data for providing fleet management support and advice.

    “TMHE Super Users”: Authorized support personnel providing expert guidance and assistance to customers with portal-related inquiries, including data access issues. They can simulate user accounts to address user-specific concerns.

    “TMHE Material” means any material or information, documents etc. that TMHE provides access to through the Service.

  3. Access and Use

    Access to the Services is gained through user accounts. Each Company shall have a representative (“Customer KeyUser”) registered. By accepting the Customer KeyUser role, the person confirms that he/she is entitled to execute this role in the name and behalf of the company.

    The Customer KeyUser is responsible for the invitation of other individuals (“User(s)”) to access and utilize the Service by registering individual user accounts. User Accounts are intended for businesses and business-related organisations and shall be used solely for business purposes.

    The Customer KeyUser has the right to create an unlimited number of Users. However, the number of User Accounts shall correspond to the companies’ reasonable use of the Services and the Customer KeyUser shall not create more User Accounts than what is necessary in the ordinary course of business. TMHE may refuse additional User Accounts if there is any reason to believe that the User Accounts created by the Customer KeyUser are not justified or misused. To create a User Account, Users must have a valid email address and one User Account may only be created per each email address. The Customer KeyUser can limit a User Account’s access to the Services and shall hence only give such access as can be reasonably justified in relation to each User.

    3.1 User Accounts

    (a) Customer Key User and Business Account Management

    The Customer Key User plays a vital role in managing the access and functionality of the Business Account within the customer portal.

    Role of Customer Key User

    1.1 The Customer Key User is the designated person responsible for managing access to the Business Account.

    1.2 They have the authority to invite and manage User Accounts for their colleagues, enabling them to access services and data provided within the customer portal.

    1.3 The responsibilities of the Customer Key User include creating, deleting, and adjusting settings of User Accounts associated with the Business Account.

    Please note that the Customer Key User acts as the primary administrator, ensuring proper access and account management for their colleagues. Their role is vital in maintaining the integrity and security of the Business Account within the customer portal.

    (b) Customer Users:

    "Users" refer to customers who have been granted access to the customer portal by the Customer Key User.

    (c) TMHE Key Users

    Internal Key User is TMHE´s first speaking who has a business relationship with the customer and are granted access to customer company data for the purpose of providing support and advice on fleet management matters. This access allows them to better understand the customer's needs and assist with relevant expertise.

    Role of THME Key Users

    1.1 TMHE Key User is TMHE representative who works closely with the customer to provide support and guidance related to fleet management.

    1.2 They may access customer company data within the customer portal to gain insights and understand specific requirements for delivering effective support and advice.

    1.3 The primary objective of TMHE key users is to assist the customer in optimizing their fleet operations and ensuring a successful business relationship.

    1.4 It is important to note that TMHE key users adhere to strict data protection guidelines and maintain confidentiality regarding customer company data. TMHE Key Users will only have access to customer company data that already exists in our core ERP system and other internal systems. It is important to note that in the customer portal, there is no sensitive information or information about specific drivers that would be in violation of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines. Internal Key Users are strictly limited to accessing and utilizing data that is necessary for providing support and advice on fleet management matters. We prioritize the privacy and security of customer data, ensuring compliance with GDPR and maintaining the confidentiality of any sensitive information.

    TMHE key users are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of customer company data and will only use it for the intended purpose of providing support and advice on fleet management matters.

    (d) TMHE Super Users

    TMHE Super Users play a crucial role in assisting end-customers with portal-related inquiries, including data access issues. Their role is to provide expert guidance and support to address user-specific concerns effectively.

    Role of TMHE Super Users

    1.1 TMHE Super Users are authorized personnel within our customer support center who possess extensive knowledge of the customer portal and its functionalities.

    1.2 Their primary responsibility is to assist end-customers with inquiries and issues related to the portal, ensuring a smooth user experience.

    1.3 TMHE Super Users can access user accounts, allowing them to view the portal from the perspective of any specific user. This capability helps them address user-specific concerns accurately and efficiently.

    3.2 Support and Data Access

    1.4 TMHE Super Users are equipped to handle a wide range of portal-related inquiries, including troubleshooting data access issues.

    1.5 They have the necessary permissions to access and review relevant data within the portal to assist end-customers effectively.

    1.6 It's important to note that TMHE Super Users strictly adhere to privacy regulations and data protection guidelines. They only access and utilize customer data within the portal that is necessary for resolving user-specific concerns.

    1.7 THME Super Users are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of customer data, and they operate within the boundaries of privacy regulations and data protection laws.

    3.3 Security

    A User Account may only be used by the User assigned to it and may not be shared with or used by any other person. User Account password(s) shall be kept secret. The Customer KeyUser shall immediately deactivate a User Account if the User is no longer engaged by the Customer in a way that justifies access to the Services or if there is a suspicion of misuse of the User Account. Such deactivation shall also be notified to TMHE.

    TMHE reserves the right to limit the access of temporarily or permanently or suspend a User Account, with immediate effect, without notice to the Customer KeyUser or the User, if there is a suspicion of misuse of the User Account.

    The Customer KeyUser shall actively review which User Account(s) are in use. Failure to timely provide such review will cause unconfirmed User Account(s) to automatically become inactivated and the User(s) of such inactivated User Account(s) will thereafter not be able to access the Services.

  4. Grant of Rights

    The User is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, limited right to access and use the Service, as provided from time to time. The User is aware of that the Service may change from time to time and that the Service will constantly develop with the consequence of additions or deleted parts of the Service from time to time. TMHE is responsible for all licenses needed for the provision of the Service, subject to below.

    Certain features of the Service may be available through applications of third parties. Such applications may require the User to accept third party terms and conditions in relation to use of the applications and the User is solely responsible for the compliance with such terms and conditions. Furthermore, TMHE takes no responsibility for and accepts no liability for such third party applications, as applicable.

  5. Data Accuracy and Accountability

    TMHE endeavors to provide accurate and reliable data within the customer portal. However, it is important to note that the data displayed in the portal is based solely on the information available in our systems. TMHE cannot be held accountable for any inaccuracies, discrepancies, or missing records that may be present within the portal.

    Data Source and Integrity

    1.1 The data presented in the customer portal is sourced from our internal systems and databases, which are regularly maintained and updated to the best of our abilities.

    1.2 While we strive for data accuracy, it is possible that certain records may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to human or technical errors.

    1.3 TMHE does not guarantee the completeness, correctness, or reliability of the data displayed in the portal. Customers are advised to verify and cross-reference the information provided with their own records and internal data sources.

    User Responsibility

    1.4 Customers are responsible for independently assessing and validating the data presented in the portal. It is important to exercise due diligence and rely on additional sources or information as necessary.

    1.5 TMHE assumes no liability or responsibility for any decisions, actions, or consequences arising from the use of the data displayed in the portal. Customers are advised to exercise their own judgment and seek professional advice when necessary.

    Data Quality and Updates

    1.6 TMHE continually strives to maintain data accuracy and improve data quality within the customer portal. We make efforts to rectify inaccuracies and address missing records as they come to our attention.

    1.7 Customers are encouraged to report any data discrepancies or issues they encounter within the portal to our customer support team. We appreciate customer feedback and take it into consideration for ongoing data improvements.

    Data Confidentiality and Privacy

    1.8 TMHE is committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of customer data within the portal. We adhere to applicable data protection regulations and internal policies to safeguard the security of the data.

    1.9 Customers should be mindful of not sharing sensitive or confidential information within the portal, as TMHE cannot be responsible for the security of such data once it has been entered or shared through the portal.

    By accessing and utilizing the customer portal, customers acknowledge and accept that TMHE is not accountable for any data quality issues, missing records, or inaccuracies that may be present. It is recommended to exercise caution, conduct proper validation, and make informed decisions based on multiple sources of information to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data used for business purposes.

  6. MyToyota Store

    TMHE operates an online store accessible at MyToyota (“MyToyota Store”) for the purchase of new and used products and services. The specific terms and conditions applicable, in addition to these Terms, for all transactions conducted at the MyToyota Store are approved by the User in the MyToyota portal during checkout and before order placement.

  7. Obligation of the Customer and Restriction of use

    The Services may not be used,

    (a) for private purposes.

    (b) for unlawful activities, including to facilitate or encourage such activities.

    (c) in any way that may harm TMHE or its Affiliates, customers, distributors, suppliers, employees and consultants or any other third party linked to TMHE.

    A breach of the restrictions of use presented above will lead to suspension of the User in question from the Service and may lead to a suspension of all Users related to the Customer.

  8. TMHE material

    Through the Service TMHE will give access to TMHE Material. TMHE Material may be used by the User in its ordinary course of business and in accordance with the Section below.

    The User may make copies of and distribute (e.g. download, store, print, e-mail etc.) TMHE Material provided, the User shall not distribute TMHE Material to any third party except its Affiliates, without the written consent from TMHE.

    Any and all title and interest in the TMHE Material, including but not limited to all such Intellectual Property Rights or rights in confidential information, belongs to and is owned by TMHE or its licensors and no such title or interest is transferred to the User and Customer, except as set forth under this Section.

  9. Intellectual Property Rights

    The Service and its content, including but not limited to texts, documents, images, layouts, logos, source codes and associated rights (such as copyright, trademark protection and patents, whether registered or not) (“Intellectual Property Rights”) are held by or licensed to TMHE.

    Nothing in the Terms shall mean that any of these Intellectual property rights are transferred to the User and Customer. It is not permitted, unless otherwise agreed in a separate Terms with TMHE, to copy, modify, reproduce, reuse, make available, share, transfer, process, translate, sell, sublicense, or otherwise dispose of or take any actions beyond normal use with respect to the Service or its content.

  10. Confidentiality

    The User undertakes to keep the content of this Terms and any information that the User receive from TMHE in connection with the use of the Service confidential, as long as the User use the Service and for a period of five (5) years thereafter, unless TMHE has given a written consent to disclose such information. Furthermore, the User undertakes not to use the information received in connection to the use of the Service for any other purpose than what is allowed under these Terms. This Section shall not apply to information that;

    (a) is publicly known, not as a result of a breach of these Terms;

    (b) the Customer can prove that it had knowledge of before it was received from TMHE;

    (c) obviously is not of confidential nature; or

    (d) according to law or a court order must be disclosed.

  11. Error and Support

    For support or guidance in accordance, please contact TMHE by email online@toyota-forklifts.eu. TMHE is responsible for offering support in accordance with current information on the website and in these Terms.

    In the event of errors reported in the Service, TMHE’s liability for these errors is limited to taking reasonable measures to remedy the error within a reasonable time. TMHE assesses when and how to correct the error.

  12. Disclaimer

    Limitations in the Service

    TMHE strives to always deliver as good a service as possible and reasonable efforts will be made to make the Service available and possible to use. From time to time, however, technical complications or maintenance, planned or unplanned, may result in temporary interruptions. To the extent possible, TMHE will inform the Customer KeyUser prior to planned operational disruptions.

    Third Party Service Providers


  13. Liability and Limitation of Liability

    TMHE shall not be liable for any damage, cost or loss of any kind as a result of any errors in the Service or any TMHE Material, the lack of Service availability or the loss or corruption of any data or equipment in connection with the use of the Service, except for if such damage, cost or loss is caused by TMHE´s lack of reasonable security (e.g. firewalls and virus protection) in relation to the Service. TMHE is not liable for any damages that may occur to the User as a result of the User’s misuse of the Services.

  14. Term and Termination

    The Terms will begin on the date the User click to accept it and will continue until the User or TMHE terminate it. TMHE may terminate these Terms and access to your Business Account at our discretion with or without notice. You are entitled to terminate these Terms by giving us notice and closing your Business Account. Upon termination, all rights and obligations under this Terms will automatically terminate except for any right of action occurring prior to termination, payment obligations, and obligations that are intended to survive termination.

  15. Processing of Personal Data

    TMHE shall have the right to process personal data concerning the users of the MyToyota portal acquired in connection with this Terms and the use of the Services. The purpose of the processing is for TMHE to enable access and usage of the Service, which includes processing in order to provide information access, communication, possibility to place orders. TMHE also have the right to process personal data in order to develop the Service and for marketing and advertisement purposes. TMHE undertakes to only process personal data in relation to such persons engaged by the Customer for the purpose of providing the Services. It shall be noted that the personal data may be transferred to another country (outside of the EEA). The primary purpose of the use of cookies is to enable the Service to function properly. The cookies used by the Services that are not strictly necessary for its function may be declined by the user. For more information about TMHE’s handling of cookies, please see the cookie policy. The processing of personal data will be supported by a balance of interests in order to meet the TMHEs legitimate needs in managing the contractual relationship and to provide the Service, with exception for non necessary cookies which requires consent. For more information about TMHE´s processing of personal data please refer to privacy policy.

  16. Miscellaneous

    1. Code of Conduct.
    Customer shall adhere and act in accordance with TMHE´s Code of Conduct, as found at this link, which is incorporated herein by reference.

    2. Force Majeure
    TMHE will not be liable for any delays in delivery or failure to perform any of our obligations under this Terms by reasons, events or other matters beyond our reasonable control.

    3. Non-waiver
    No consent or waiver, express or implied, by either Party of any breach or default of the other Party in performing its obligations under this Terms shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver of any other breach or default by the other Party of the same or any other obligation hereunder. Any failure by one Party to complain of any act or failure to act by the other Party or to declare that other Party is in default shall not constitute a waiver by the first Party of its rights under this Terms. No waiver of any rights under this Terms shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the Party purporting to give the same.

    4. Severance
    If any provision of this Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the other provisions of this Terms, which will remain in full force and effect. If any provision of this Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable but would be valid or enforceable if some part of the provision were deleted or modified, the provision in question will apply with whatever modification is necessary to make it valid, provided that if no legal or enforceable modification to such provision can be made, the Parties shall attempt to substitute for any invalid or unenforceable provision a valid and enforceable provision which achieves to the greatest extent possible the same effect as would have been achieved by the invalid or unenforceable provision.

    5. Entire Terms of Use
    This Terms constitutes the entire Terms of Use of the Parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces and supersedes any prior written or verbal communications, representations, proposals, or quotations on that subject matter.

    6. Changes to the Terms and Notifications
    TMHE reserves the right to make changes and add new or additional terms to the Customer’s use of the Service at any time. Changes to the Terms are made thirty (30) days after TMHE has notified the Customer. Notifications to the Customer and information about the Service are provided to the Customer KeyUser via e-mail and via the MyToytota. The Customer must keep itself updated on the notifications sent out and, upon request, act in accordance with instructions provided therein.

  17. Applicable law and dispute resolution

    1. The Terms shall be governed by Swedish law excluding its conflict of law principles.

    2. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Terms, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (the “SCC”). The Arbitration Rules by the SCC shall apply, unless the SCC in its discretion determines, taking into account the complexity of the case, the amount in dispute and other circumstances, that Rules for Expedited Arbitrations shall apply. In the former case, the Arbitral Tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators. The seat of arbitration shall be Stockholm. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Swedish.

    3. TMHE is always entitled to apply for a payment injunction or to bring an action before the General Court to collect accrued claims.

    4. The information concerning any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Terms, including any arbitral award, shall remain confidential, save that either Party may disclose such information if necessary to exercise its rights under this Terms, any arbitral award or due to Regulatory Requirements.